5 S

SUBMITTED BY: evmacnorte

DATE: April 8, 2016, 2:25 a.m.

FORMAT: Text only

SIZE: 1.7 kB

HITS: 830

  2. 1.0 SEIRI (SORT) “Take out unnecessary items and dispose”
  3. • Look around your workplace and dispose all unnecessary items.
  4. • Never keep anything, which are unnecessary to your work.
  5. • Set aside items with disposal notice if cannot decide if they are necessary or not.
  6. 2.0 SEITON (SYSTEMATIZE) “Arrange necessary items in GOOD order to use”
  7. • Make sure all unnecessary items in your work place are eliminated.
  8. • Then decide with your colleagues which things to put where also from the point of view of efficient operation. The principle is to put most frequently needed items close to the user as to minimize the movement of the person.
  9. • It is necessary to make sure that every one at your work place know that are kept where for efficient use. Make a list of things with their location and put in your lockers / cabinets.
  10. • Apply the same principle and indicate places where fire extinguisher are located. Passage of forklifts/cars, and wherever necessary, warning sign for safety precaution, etc.
  11. 3.0 SEISO (SWEEP) “Clean your workplace”
  12. • It should be practiced everyday and even during the day.
  13. • Put aside 3 minutes everyday for SEISO (SWEEP).
  14. 4.0 SEIKETSU (SANITIZE) “Maintain high standard of housekeeping”
  15. • Create a maintenance system for housekeeping. Make a schedule for cleaning of your workplace.
  16. 5.0 SHITSUKE (SELF-DISCIPLINE) “ Do things spontaneously without being told”
  17. • It is to make everyone practice 4’S spontaneously and willing as a habit or way of life.
  18. • There is no other way to faster such culture then practicing 4’S regularly until such time becomes load of 5’S.

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