Organizational Benefits of Hiring A 24X7 Monitoring Agency


DATE: Jan. 23, 2017, 4:25 a.m.

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  1. Today, internet access is important everywhere and blocking and filtering the visitors of your website should be minimized if you are willing to increase your customer base. And this is why monitoring your website and server performance is imperative. Internet gurus often lay stress highly on the importance of monitoring and often say that it is quite essential for online business. 24X7 website monitoring ensures that the website is live and is responding properly and a smooth operating site often provides a distinct competitive advantage. Since on the internet, the only currency is attention, if your site fails to deliver what your customers are looking for, it may cause them to quickly lose interest and this would be a great waste of both your time and money. Failure to capture the attention of your visitor will simply send your potential customers to your competitors.
  2. So, it is high time for all business organizations to implement a part of the monitoring plan and it is also important that the website gets monitored from various locations of the globe. In this piece of writing lets focus on the benefits of monitoring the performance of the site and reporting of log files. Server monitoring, site monitoring and network monitoring are a round the clock event and it requires constant attention for smooth functioning and it is highly rewarding for organizations who look for long term benefits.
  3. Prompt troubleshooting: Since massive data is stored on the servers together with other important business files and folders, proper website and server monitoring tools keep a constant eye on all the critical components and send the administrators instant alerts of all the important events.
  4. Enhanced security systems: As the server becomes overloaded, the system security of the server may become overwhelmed causing them not to respond properly to the threats, to hang and even make it impossible for the administrators to manage the traffic that hits the servers and floods the logs with poor data. Hiring 24X7 monitoring services help to identify any such issues and maintain the latest security of the server and keeping the attackers away.
  5. Exposure to flaws: In many cases it is seen that attackers use various means to access security holes in the network. During any attack, the system administrators might roll out updates without even testing the compatibility. When such updates are rolled out, the attacker can use the upgrade window to gain further access to the server and conduct malicious jobs. This is often reduced with continuous monitoring as it identifies any potentially unwanted activity on the network and send instant alerts.
  6. Overall downtime reduction: With updated monitoring tools, the website downtime can be greatly reduced by 90% and this is done by setting actionable threshold on memory consumption, CPU consumption and traffic etc. Uptime is a great means to measure how good your web hosting provider is keeping their systems running.
  7. Event logs: Maintaining event logs is very important for a successful website. 24X7 monitoring helps to provide an audit trail of the system and event logging records the actions that usually occur within the system like users logging, failure to start any component or unable to print a document. Every event that takes place across a network can be recorded in an event log file and list of events can be viewed and modified to reflect the requirements of the organization's system:
  8. Failed authentication attempts: Continuous monitoring helps business owners to identify the users trying to access files and folders they are not supposed to access or any system faults that is failing to provide legitimate access.
  9. • Ensure that employees adhere to their specific work schedules: Event logs also record when the employee's computer has been powered on and shut down.
  10. • Prevent data leakage and loss: Identify the access rights and monitor any data loss of confidential files and prevent information leakage at the right time.
  11. Hopefully the above points will give the readers a better understanding of the actual benefits of 24X7 monitoring and hire a reliable agency to take care of the job.

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